Dr Vesna Otašević is a principal research fellow at the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković” – National Institute of Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade. Starting from her diploma thesis, her primary research interest focuses on unraveling the complex molecular mechanisms of redox signaling involving reactive oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur species, in physiological and pathological states, to advance understanding of disease pathogenesis and identify novel targets for therapeutic intervention. Her current research interest is geared toward the underlying mechanisms of ferroptosis; a newly discovered type of cell death, and specific ways to attenuate ferroptosis in the context of diabetes and its complications. In addition, her current focus in research is the identification of specific markers of ferroptosis that will provide better modulation of ferroptosis at the cellular and molecular levels and its exploitation in various diseases, especially diabetes. Overall, Vesna Otašević has 57 publications in international peer-reviewed journals which were cited 1166 times (h-index = 21, Scopus). In the last ten years, 70.6 % of her publications have been published in journals which are among the top 25% in the scientific area (Q1). She was PI for one Serbian Science and Diaspora Collaboration program (2020-2023), one National research project (2011-2019), and one Bilateral DAAD Serbian-German cooperation project (2011-2013); an investigator in three national research projects (2004-2019), one bilateral cooperation of Serbia and Spain (2010- 2012), Serbian-Austrian bilateral project (2022-ongoing), and was granted two month research fellowships (WUS). In addition, she was an invited speaker at 8 meetings in the field; a management committee member of 1 COST action, a participant in 4 COST actions, a member of 4 conference organization boards, an editor of 3 conference abstract books, a peer reviewer of more than 60 publications in international journals and was awarded 7 times (Award of Kingdom of Norway for the best 100 students of the University of Belgrade, 2003; The best master work, IBISS, Belgrade, 2004: Young investigator Award at the Free Radical School of Society for Free Radical Research Spetses, Greece, 2004; The best poster presentation at Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with International participation, Serbian Physiological Society, 2005; The best young investigator presentation – European Society for Free Radical Research, Berlin, 2008; The best PhD thesis IBISS, Belgrade, 2008; “Ivan Djaja” award for the best work in the field of Physiology, Belgrade 2011). In addition, dr Vesna Otašević is a co-author of a chapter in two books, a PhD lecturer at the University of Belgrade, and has supervised 4 PhD theses (including one ongoing) and 6 master theses. In addition to the versatility and originality of her work, she demonstrates strong leadership skills and creativity in the realization of ideas and experiment design. Her excellent track record ensures her capability to lead and complete the proposed project.